Before you visit

Welcome and thanks for stopping by our webpage.  We know that visiting a new church can be a little nerve-wracking. Hopefully, the information below will help you feel at ease and ready for worship. We look forward to seeing you!

  • Relax. You will never be put on the spot, singled-out, or embarrassed.

  • You will find many folks dressed casually, although a few folks prefer to show up in their Sunday best. We recommend that you dress comfortably and come!

  • Do not feel obligated to give at offering time--the offering is for those who consider Milwaukie Covenant their church home. You are our guest when you visit. Enjoy yourself.

  • Get a bulletin from an usher to read about activities and events that are happening that you may be interested in.

  • Ask for an information flier about the church from an usher which will give you more information about us.

  • Take advantage of the sermon notes page on the back of the bulletin.

  • Ask for prayer by using the blue prayer request form located in the pew holders. Place in the offering plate or hand to an usher or pastor.

  • Register your visit by using the QR code on the back of the bulletin. You can ask for prayer or for someone to contact you if you would like.

  • Enjoy fellowship time. After the service, take the time to enjoy the refreshments in the fellowship hall and interact with our church family.

  • If you would like to talk with Pastor Bruce or Kristi or an Elder about your spiritual walk, a burden on your heart, or anything else, you may do so after any service, or by giving us a call at the Church Office 503-654-7374, or by emailing us or indicating you would like contact by completing a blue contact card or using the QR code on the bulletin.

We meet online and in person. Join us in the sanctuary at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays. Or join us for our live-stream service at 10:30 Sunday morning by clicking here or watch the service later online when posted by clicking here.

Our time together

Services will have singing led by a worship band, a prayer time, a children’s message and a message from Scripture. The service should be about an hour and 20 minutes in length. A fellowship time follows the service with coffee and cookies and conversation.

We celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month and is open to all believers.

How to find us


We are at 12201 SE Linwood Ave., Milwaukie

From the east: From I-205, take the Sunnyside Road exit west (which turns into Harmony Road after 82nd); turn right on Linwood (look for the 7-Eleven store). We are located up the hill on the left after the apartments but before Linwood School.

From the west: From OR224, take the Lake Road exit. Turn left and continue east to the railroad tracks (road becomes Harmony Road after crossing OR224). Cross the tracks and continue north on Linwood Ave. Go up the hill. We are located on the left after the apartments, but before Linwood School.